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Our Team

Consisting of leaders in their respective fields, our core team at Sequence Sciences brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to this forward-thinking company.

Chief Executive Officer

Seth Maheu was the 15th employee of Millennium Health, one of the largest urine drug testing laboratories in the country. That tenure enabled him to observe the development of a startup into a $2B business, which has provided him with critical operational insight. LEARN MORE

Chief Operating Officer

Saba Safiari is an experienced operations leader with an extensive business and entrepreneurship background. His resume includes leadership roles at multiple logistics and consulting organizations. LEARN MORE

Chief Medical Officer

A natural choice for Chief Medical Officer of the company, Dr. Bevins has more than two decades of experience in research, clinical medicine, and the life sciences industry. LEARN MORE

Chief Scientific Officer

Ray Suhandynata is a board-certified clinical chemist through the American Board of Clinical Chemistry and National Registry of Certified Chemists. LEARN MORE