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Located in the heart of San Diego, a city known for biomedical technology, Sequence Sciences offers a BioStorage and Analytical services for a range of industries. From DNA testing to secure sample storage, we are on the cusp of the biomedical revolution.


Our biostorage capabilities range from -196°C liquid nitrogen environments to room temperature storage. Based on a rigorous QMS process, our facility is safe and secure. Access is also with very rapid turnaround times. LEARN MORE

Analytical Services

One-on-one consultation to meet your study needs with high-quality data, interpretation, and actionable insights. We offer study design assistance, assay development, and validation. LEARN MORE

It is exciting to see Saba in action. You can quickly sense his understanding and passion while he works the team towards a goal.

Col T. Mahar
Commanding Officer — EOTG

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Need a high-quality biostorage facility for your critical specimens? We got that.